Hitchhiker%60S Hack 3.3.5A Free Download

Sep 21, 2017 - The Individuals. I was living in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The year was 1964. I was in my first rock band. Beatlemania was running wild and millions of kids across the USA were buying cheap Japanese electric guitars and drum kits and forming garage bands. My dad bought me a set of drums made by a company called Kent and I formed a group called The Continentals. Dixell Cx 660 Manual. Ini /The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5. The live version isen't 3.3.5a. The live version isen't 3.3.5a. As an file sharing search engine DownloadJoy finds hitchhiker 3.3.5 files matching your search criteria among the files that has been seen recently in uploading sites by our search spider. Original Author of the Program: Bob74 Name of the Program: The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5 Calabazin Mod Version First of all, my english may suck, so bare with me, please! A little background: Im still playing 3.3.5 and i been using this hack for a long time but it was all flickering and lagging and it lacked some tools.

Jul 14, 2018 - The Hitchhiker'S Hack Rus For Wow 3.3.5a. Download Hack Damage Wow 3.3.5a. World Of Warcraft Money Hack Free Download. Mar 24, 2018 - (1.72 MB) The Hitchhiker Hack 3 3 5 Source title: Download The hitchhiker hack 3 3 5 rar mediafire.com (2 MB) - FilesDeck (85.03 KB) the new. Yamaha dsp factory ds2416 drivers. Original Author of the Program: Bob_74 Name of the Program: The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5 Calabazin Mod Version First of all, my english may suck, so bare with me, please! A little background: Im still playing 3.3.5 and i been using this hack for a long time but it was all flickering and lagging and it lacked some tools.

I. [Functions (Private)]
These functions must be used on Private servers only
(Never use it on live server !)

Overall speed: Modify all speeds (walking, running, swimming, flying, etc)
Speed: Running and swimming speed
(default = 7)
(100% = 14)
in percents: Display your speed in % (for example, if you put the speed to 14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount)
Fly Mod: Allow you to fly
(default = 7)
(280% = 26.6)
(310% = 28.7)
Freeze Z: Allow you to walk at the same heigh without falling
NoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It's higly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod.
Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water

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Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water
Use mount in interior: Allow you to mount even in interior
Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains
NoCooldown: Remove the global cooldown on Spells (Instant cast and Spell without cooldown only)
Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb)
Multi-jump: Allow you to jump in the air
Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher
(Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow)
Faction: Allow you to change of faction (You can attack player of your faction if they are PVP enabled on no-fixed server)
Unstuck !: Display a window in the foreground who allow you to unstuck you character if you are stuck by a spell (ex: Entangling roots)
Stop falling: Display a window in the foreground who allow you to stop your character falling.
TP Target (back): Teleport you in the back of your target (like rogues)
TP Target (Undermap): Teleport you behind your target and under the map. So you can attack them with spells or with ranged weapons (Be careful when you're undermap, you can fall easily ! You should use the Freeze Z function)
Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.)
Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings
Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions
Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources.
  • XYZ:
Activate XYZ: Allow you to teleport you character with the Numpad.
XYZ Speed: Teleport speed.
7: Up
9: Down
8: Forward
5: Backward
6: Rigth
4: Left
  • Teleportation:
Map: Map ID of the map you are on.
X,Y,Z: Your coordinates

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*: Copy current coordinates into the left columns (Destination coordinates)
Teleport: Teleport you to the XYZ coordinates
TP Corps: Teleport you to your corpse.
List: Display the Teleport list.
Click to TP: Allow you to teleport your character where you click using the Right click + Shift or Ctrl or Alt (choose it in the Shortcut window). You have to activate the 'Click to move' option to make it work ! (Ingame: Escape -> Interface -> Mouse -> 'Click to move').
  • Shortcuts:
They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONE unique shortcut per function.
II. [Functions (Live serv.)]
These functions can be use on Live or Private servers.
Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains
Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb)
Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water
Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water
Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher
(Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow)
Faction: Allow you to change of faction. You won't be able to attack the members of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvP stats/talents/.. of members of the opposite faction.
Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.)
Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings
Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions
Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources.
  • XYZ:
Manual: One keypress move your character of a step.
Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop
moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad)


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7: Up
9: Down
8: North
5: South
6: East
4: West
1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod)

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Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something. If you press a Numpad key while you're typing, your character will be teleport without turning, so you'll be disconnect if you move.

No-Clip Action: Teleport you a bit forward by pressing the shortcut key (Default: F3).
(DONT USE IT CONTINUOUSLY !) Only on VERY short distance (to go through a wall/door for example)
  • Shortcuts:
They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONE unique shortcut per function.
III. [Player]
(Client-side only)
(Work on live servers)
Alcohol: Make you drunk !
Titre: Display a title before your pseudo. You need to Disactivate/Activate your name in options to see it.
Emote on target: Play selected emote on your target (if no target is selected, emote is play on you)
Reveal the map: Reveal all the map (Don't give any achievement and have to be reactivate after any loading)
  • Scale:
Scale +: Make you character bigger (with collisions)
DownloadScale -: Make you character smaller (with collisions)
Scale: Character's scale (without collisions)
Height: Heigth of your character (collision only)
Width: Width of your character (collision only)
Reset: Reset your original scale
  • Player:
Dead: Show your character dead (Clientside only)
Invisible: Make your character disapear (Clientside only)
  • Camera:
Spectate mod: Allow you to move your camera only (You can change the speed with the inputbox (Default speed: 40))
Noclip: Allow you to go through everything with your camera in Spectate mod.
Follow target:Hitchhiker%60S Hack 3.3.5A Free Download Allow you to put your camera on your target to follow her. Use arrows to turn around the selected target.
TP Camera (Private serv.): Teleport you to your camera (Private servers only !)
  • Time:
Hours: Set the hour of the game.
Minutes: Set the minutes of the game.
Speed: Set the time speed.
IV. [Teleport List]]
Here is the Teleport list who can be display by the 'List' button (Functions Privates)
(Don't use it on Live server !)
To add a destination: Put the name you want (must be unique in the list !) and click on 'Add TP'. Your destination will be add at the end of the list, in the category 'Destinations ajoutées manuellement'.

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To delete a destination: Put it number (Left column) and click on 'Delete TP'.
WEH list: If you check this option, you reverse the destination's axis (X and Y) because in WowEmuHacker's teleport list, X and Y axis are reversed. If you want to use a WowEmuHacker's list, you'll have to check if this teleport list respects the conditions bellow:
The teleport list must be composed like that:
You have to keep the same file's name and extension (.ini).
But as I said, you don't need to use this if you use the teleport list who's included with the program.
To teleport, you just have to click on a destination and then, click on 'Teleport'.
On top: Put the window in the foreground.
Transparence: Make the window transparent.
Reset: Reset all the program's options.
'WoW List': If you launch several WoW, you'll be able to choose wich WoW you want to cheat on by selecting his PID (writed in the top right hand column (on screenshots, 3 WoW are launched))
Settings: Allow you to change some settings:
  • language
  • use default interface
  • keep functions activated after closing program
  • activate some functions at launch

You must start the program when you're character is in game.
For Vista/Seven users, you'll may have to start the program with admins rights.
Extract the files before launching the program !
Have fun ^^
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©2013-2018 UploadedTrend.com Search Engine - The Hitchhiker's Hack 3 3 5 file info/download The Hitchhiker's Hack 3 3 5 file info/download. Mar 6, 2018 - (cheers:P) PIC [HACK] The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5 Calabazin Mod. Thorium Wow WOTLK 3.3.5a it's a brand new Wrath of the Lich King PVP server. As if free download dope wars 2.2 are a download wow exe 3.3.5 friend.

Functions (Private) These functions must be used on Private servers only (Never use it on live server!) Overall speed: Modify all speeds (walking, running, swimming, flying, etc) Speed: Running and swimming speed (default = 7) (100% = 14) in percents: Display your speed in% (for example, if you put the speed to 14, it will display 100%. That mean Speed 14 = 100% epic mount) Fly Mod: Allow you to fly (default = 7) (280% = 26.6) (310% = 28.7) Freeze Z: Allow you to walk at the same heigh without falling NoClip 1: Your character can go through EVERYTHING (even ground). It's higly advisable to use this function with Freeze Z or Fly mod.

Functions (Live serv.) These functions can be use on Live or Private servers. Wallclimb: You can climb every mountains Walljump: Allow you to hang you on mountains (kind of wallclimb) Walk-on-water: Allow you to walk on water Walk-under-water: Allow you to walk under water Super-jump: Allow you to jump higher (Put the value you want in the Inputbox bellow) Faction: Allow you to change of faction. You won't be able to attack the members of your faction, but you'll be able to see the level/PvP stats/talents/.

Of members of the opposite faction. Disable M2 collisions: Allow you to go through 'objects' (trees, etc.) Disable WMO collisions: Allow you to go though buildings Noclip: Disable M2 + WMO collisions Tracking: Allow you to track units on your minimap (like hunters) and to display ressources. XYZ: Manual: One keypress move your character of a step. Automatic: One keypress move your character continuously (To stop moving, press the 1 key of the Numpad) /! (Numpad) 7: Up 9: Down 8: North 5: South 6: East 4: West 1: Stop moving (If you're in Automatic mod) /! Please, disactivate XYZ when you want to type something. If you press a Numpad key while you're typing, your character will be teleport without turning, so you'll be disconnect if you move.

No-Clip Action: Teleport you a bit forward by pressing the shortcut key (Default: F3). (DONT USE IT CONTINUOUSLY!) Only on VERY short distance (to go through a wall/door for example). Shortcuts: They can be assigned by the Shotcut button (you have to check the Shortcut's checkbox to make them active). Only use ONE unique shortcut per function. Player (Client-side only) (Work on live servers) Alcohol: Make you drunk!

Titre: Display a title before your pseudo. You need to Disactivate/Activate your name in options to see it. Code: BINom de la destination/I/B BIType:=/I/BWhatever you want (This line is only here to make the program compatible with WEH lists) BIMapID:=/I/BID of the map BIXPos:=/I/BX coordinate BIYPos:=/I/BY coordinate BIZPos:=/I/BZ coordinate BIComment:=/I/BComment. ^^You have to keep the same file's name and extension (.ini). But as I said, you don't need to use this if you use the teleport list who's included with the program.

To teleport, you just have to click on a destination and then, click on 'Teleport'. Other On top: Put the window in the foreground. Transparence: Make the window transparent. Reset: Reset all the program's options.

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'WoW List': If you launch several WoW, you'll be able to choose wich WoW you want to cheat on by selecting his PID (writed in the top right hand column (on screenshots, 3 WoW are launched)) Settings: Allow you to change some settings:. language. use default interface.

keep functions activated after closing program. activate some functions at launch You must start the program when you're character is in game. For Vista/Seven users, you'll may have to start the program with admins rights. Extract the files before launching the program!

Have fun ^^ Downloadlink von Ravenstorm entfernt. Similar Threads wla ng instructions repost wallhack lang naman to ii working sya sakin but after 2 or 3 games mag re re log-in na kasi nadedebug xa try nyo po sa. 5 Replies - Soldier Front Hacks, Bots, Cheats & Exploits Hi, im new here, and i have hitchhiker's hack source code, so here are The Hitchhiker's Hack 3.3.5.au3 Please somebody fix the first hotkey. 3 Replies - WoW Exploits, Hacks, Tools & Macros NEWEST HACK DISCOVERY!!!!!!!!!


WoW Admin Panel v1.02 WoW Admin Panel is a fairly new project for World of Warcraft private servers This version supports World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King: 3.3.5a (12340) builds Only including wow-heroes, molten-wow, wow-circle, etc. The hack contains:. Speed hack. Fly hack.

Ghost mode. No falling. Low Gravity. Tracking radar. instant Teleport-to-corpse. instant Teleport-to-target.

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Wall climbing mode. Walk on water. XYZ manipulation. Teleport locations list. Bind action to keyboard key press.

Easy to use Multiboxing (echo your key presses to all open windows) Currently working on more languages support, and memory offset updates to eventually get one versatile trainer for all wow versions in all languages. Teleports list support Hitchhiker's list, so you can import your teleport location for his lists. Coded with Visual Basic 6.0 (i'm that old) and works on Windows (95,98,me,vista,XP,7,8) 32bit. Make sure you run as administrator! Make sure you extract all files to one location and run the trainer As an administrator And that your wow.exe is actually named wow.exe! Virustotal file checking (file is clean): if you can't see the image above P.S.Please post feedbacks - it's very important, good or bad.

Thank you.Share your telelist cords on this thread so everyone can enjoy them. How to load teleports lists to Wow Admin Panel: 1. Copy the list and save to txt file, run Wow Admin Panel 2. Go to 'Teleports', and at the bottom right click 'Load' 3. Type in the path to the file you just created and press 'OK'. Hitchhiker's list: H-WOW list Battle Grounds List. Funny thing on Heroes-Wow realm they actually censored almost everything related to this trainer because they have no clue on how to deal with it.

The domain, the name, even the words 'Panel' and 'Admin' been censored. Shows how frustrated they are. IT is: Undetected on that server as on any other private server. A version for 5.0.5 is being worked on, will update accordingly. Also, i am aware of the issues with Arathi basin teleports, - you can load the Battlegrounds teleport list, and assign the teleport named: BG: Arathi Basin. To a custom teleport, it will work as planned. And that some non-English language versions of the game having problems (Game Window name must be 'World of Warcraft') it will be fixed on the next version.

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