Regina Spektor 11 11 Rar

Regina Spektor 11 11 Rar

Regina Spektor - Live On Soundstage (2017) by ViAnDEr.part1.rar. Find album reviews, stream songs, credits and award information for 11:11 - Regina Spektor on AllMusic - 2001.

She’s a little crazy. She’s a little out there. Then again she’s damn nearperfect. This album is classified as anti-folk and for good reason, itconstantly challenges the way we normally listen to music. There are blues,jazz, folk, and pop influences throughout the album. However unlikely her hooksmay be, they sink right into you.Regina Spektor 11 11 Rar
Regina spektor 11 11 rareRegina Spektor 11 11 Rar
She’s got one of the best voices I’ve heard in a long time and she’s notcontent with singing straight. She’ll grunt, growl, sing the drums, sneeze, ordo whatever feels right in the moment. What it means for the listener is she’salways entertaining – she keeps you on the edge of your seat. This trackfeatures a standup bass and Regina. However, it’s one of the best tracks on thealbum. If you’re unsure if you’d like this album, I think this is the track tostart with, it’s super solid.

Regina Spektor Youtube Playlist

While the previous spotlighted song featured just bass and Regina, this trackfeatures a cajon and Spektor. It really shows off just how good she is vocallyas well as lyrically. She repeats phrases to add a sense of familiarity to themusic while she is constantly tweaking the melody. Her phrasing is phenomenal,it’s amazing how entertaining such a simple arrangement can be.

Pavlov’s Daughter
If you’re one of those hip cats that go to poetry readings and you’re well duginto the avant garde scene then this is your ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’. Regina throwsout all kinds of music on the best track on the album. She starts with a raponly to transition to this incredible dissonant piano coupled with oddlyspecific lyrics. When she sings “My name is Lucille and I know how youfeel. I live downstairs, I hear you taking out your garbage…” I lose it everytime. It’s so ridiculous but it’s so incredible. The song then changes to thisvery open, sparse feel. The song then works its way back to the beginning. Is thesong odd? Absolutely. Is it amazing? Absolutely.

Regina Spektor Buildings

All in all, Regina does an amazing job of doing some crazythings and finding out a way to get away with it. Surely everyone doesn’t getit – we’ll start with my coworkers. Let’s be honest, I don’t totally get iteither, but that’s part of the allure for me. It’s absolutely different fromevery album I’ve ever heard but it’s one of the most entertaining.

Wikipedia Regina Spektor

Tomorrow's album: Stan Getz and Joao Gilberto's Getz/Gilberto.

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