Single Phase Induction Motor Design-Single Phase Indction Motor Design. Principles and practical concepts unique to single-phase induction machine design-Operating principles and theory, Coil configuration and design, Capacitor usage, Core materials, slot design, rotor bar design, starting and running performance prediction. I want to design a single phase induction motor (1/3 HP,50Hz,220V). I face a problem to design the main dimension of stator and Slot shape and Rotor skew angle. Would you give some idea for design? Or any related book and software? Many of these induction motors are in production and use today. The best news is that complete magnetic design software and instructions can be yours. These design programs are based on time tested techniques developed by Dr. Using them, you too can design single phase and poly phase induction motors.
Electric Motor Design SoftwareAC Induction
- Microsoft ® Windows™ based program
- Analysis tool used in design of Poly Phase and Single Phase Motors,
including Capacitor Start, PSC and Split Phase
- Computes all relevant motor parameters
- Allows printing of inputs, outputs & graphs
- Multi-window tasking
- Important constants built into program
- Variable definitions instantly available on screen
- Reduces development cycle time and cost
- Instantly check effects of design change
- Maximizes material usage
- On-line design tips
- Reduce number of prototype iterations

Over the decades, people created five unique single phase motor types by varying the electrical designs of the starting windings. In the case of the capacitor start and run, capacitor start and split phase motors, cutting off the starting winding via a centrifugal switch leads to.
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Single Phase Induction Motor Design Software Project

Single Phase Induction Motor Design Software Free
Ac Electric Motor Design – Software1
Author: BaljeetSingle Phase Induction Motor Design Software Pdf
AC Electric Motor Design - Software
Softbit presents an easy way to design LT, 3 ph, TEFC, squirrel cage ac electric motors with the help of 'AC Electric Motor Design Software'. You just need to enter a few preliminary inputs and click a button. What you get is an output 'Design Sheet' containing more than 100 output parameters required to build an ac squirrel cage electric motor. You can start to design from a small fractional horse power ac electric motor to a 200 hp ac electric motor using this design software. Higher hp modules are also available on request. You have the options to change any of the values from output design data to match your specifications and need. With the change in any of these values, the remaining parameters change automatically, without affecting the output design and performance of the motor.
What you can Change
You can change any parameter from the design data sheet like no. of slots, type of cage, material of cage conductor (Al or Cu), length of stator, bore of stator, core type / material, rotor dimensions, stator length, shaft diameter, shaft length, supply voltage etc.,. to get a better and most suited design for your requirement. Accordingly motor winding data will also change.
Why to change the output parameter
What ever results you get through this design software are as per calculations done using the formulae used to design a squirrel cage ac electric induction motor. Now suppose you get a rotor diameter as X and rotor length as Y but the job and place do not permit you to use these dimensions of rotor or say motor then you just change the value of either X or Y to best suit your requirement and all the related output parameters will change automatically. So you can customize the design as per yours, your client's or job's requirement.
Values you need to enter at the start
When you start designing a squirrel cage ac electric motor, certain preliminary values are required to be fed to the software to give the out put parameters. So you need to enter - capacity of motor in hp / kw, poles, supply voltage, rpm, frequency and certain more that the software will ask you at the time of start.
About The Software
The software has been developed keeping in mind to give our design engineers and professionals more flexibility while they are designing a squirrel cage ac electric motor. This window based software is very much user friendly. It gives you numerical, pictorial and graphical out puts to easily understand various design data values. It is flexible enough so that you can change any output design data value as per your requirement and get the changed values instantly, without affecting the final design and performance of motor. Its worth buying as it saves time, energy, gives more accurate results in shortest time, data comparison easy.
Factors affecting the Design of an ac electric induction motor
'An electric motor converts electrical energy into rotating mechanical energy or an electric motor is a machine that converts electrical energy into rotating mechanical energy. AC electric motor works on the principle of electro - magnetic induction'.
Who Should Buy?
Every professional linked with motor design, QC, production, purchase, maintenance, repairer & re-builders, training professionals, engineering students, end users of electric motors must posses this motor design software.
Price v/s Benefits
This software is developed for the engineers with an aim to get high productivity and easy to learn features, with full documentation that includes extensive information on machine theory and design. Motor design with this simulation is interactive and fast. However, this software does not do the engineer's job. It is simply a specialized calculating tool to assist the design engineers with initial sizing and preliminary design of a motor by providing a simple intuitive interface and quick simulation.
Softbit provides CAD/CAM software packages for Electrical Machine Design, Industrial Automation products such as Remote Data Logger. Company aims to satisfy the current and future needs of its valued clients. We strive for customer’s satisfaction; our aim is technology dedication & continual improvements. transformer design
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