Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac

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  2. Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac Operating System
  3. Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac Os
Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac
  • Status:Resolved(View Workflow)
  • Resolution: Done
  • Fix Version/s:JAVA8 1.6.0.GA, JAVA11 1.0.0.GA
  • Labels:
  • Target Release:
  • Git Pull Request:
    https://github.com/jboss-openshift/cct_module/pull/320, https://github.com/jboss-container-images/openjdk/pull/46
  • Sprint:

Unrecognized option: -d64. Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. OpenJDK 11 Unrecognized VM option 'PrintGCDateStamps'. Unrecognized VM option 'PrintGCDateStamps' Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.

When JAVA_DIAGNOSTICS is ON there appears -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps but unfortunately this is no longer recognized causing:


is related to

CLOUD-3045JAVA_DIAGNOSTICS no longer set +PrintGC nor NativeMemoryTracking

  • Closed

Next step would to be to update your Java version. In the docs for shadow-cljs installation it says Java SDK (Version 8). I had run this with Java 9 and now with Java 10 and it seems to be working. Hope that helps! Is anyone else having this issue when they run the module it complains about this in java 9 mac version? Below is the issue! Unrecognized option: -modulepath Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. How to reproduce? I am doing this example. The last step is to run the module using below command. That's when i see the issue.

Rob Cernich
Petr Nehyba
Petr Nehyba
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Since Java 11, JavaFX is not included in the JDK anymore. Hereโ€™s how to download it and set it up on both Windows & MacOS!


Note: JDK version earlier than 11 will throw error Unrecognized option: --module-path.


Make sure you have Java 11+ installed with java -version:




Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac Download

Make sure you have Java 11+ installed with java -version:

If you have a lower version, you may download the JDK 11 from https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk11-downloads.html

MacOS Java default installation path: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.7.jdk

JavaFX download

  • Get JavaFX 11 from https://gluonhq.com/download/javafx-11-0-2-sdk-mac, and unzip it into ~/java/javafx-sdk-11.0.2.
  • Then, create an ENV var to store the JavaFX path export PATH_TO_FX=/Users/me/java/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib
  • Finally, run the HelloWorld JavaFX app from OpenJFX:

Eclipse setup


Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac Operating System

  • Open Eclipse, Help>Eclipse Marketplace>e(fx)clipse 3.6.0
  • Eclipse>Preferences>User Libraries>New>'JavaFX'>Add external JARs> Add all JARs from javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib
  • Right click your project>Build Path>Add libraries>JavaFX
  • Run>Run Configurations>Arguments>VM Arguments> --module-path /Users/me/java/javafx-sdk-11.0.2/lib --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml

Unrecognized Option Error For Java In Mac Os

NB: do not use $PATH_TO_FX in Eclipse VM Arguments as it wonโ€™t work and will yield

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